My Story
My journey began with my own son, who exhibited all the classic signs of a tongue tie. Unfortunately, we received little support from our healthcare team, which made it an incredibly difficult time. We managed, but we didn’t thrive.
I initially observed infants being treated for lip and tongue ties in the office. This sparked my interest, and I soon began exploring MyoFunctional disorders caused by lip, tongue, or cheek ties. As I started treating patients, I realized how undiagnosed conditions like tongue ties or oral dysfunctions can lead to long-term health challenges.
To deepen my expertise, I became certified through the Academy of Orofacial MyoFunctional Therapy and earned an additional certification from the Graduate School of Behavioral Health Sciences through the Coulson Institute for Orofacial Myology. I also pursued specialized training in Infant Oral Motor Therapy to broaden the age range of patients I could help. In between my MyoFunctional training, I studied cranial nerve dysfunctions with an experienced Occupational Therapist, learning how these affect infants. Additionally, I became TummyTime! Method certified.
As an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant, I am passionate about helping families thrive. I've also trained in Craniosacral Fascial Therapy (CFT), which I currently offer for infants aged 6 months and younger at our practice. I believe that continued education and training allow me to better serve my patients and support their well-being.
I am available in Franklin on Mondays, alternating between Murfreesboro and Mt. Juliet on Tuesdays, with additional hours in Mt. Juliet on select Wednesdays. Virtual appointments are offered for infants and toddlers as needed.
If you are a current client, please send me a DM through Simple Practice Client Portal. All others, contact our Administrative Office Staff.